Complaints Handling Procedure

We want to do our best for you with a quality service, professionalism, and expertise. Our reputation is important to us- so if we get things wrong we want to put them right.

What you should do

If our service does not meet your expectations we hope you will tell us. If at any point you become unhappy or concerned about the service we have provided then we prefer you to tell us straight away so we can resolve the problem.

Our terms of business and the client care letter sent to you when you first instructed us set out the basis on which would work for you.

The letter will include the name of the person responsible for working on your matter and their supervisor.

It may be helpful to contact the person working on your matter to discuss concerns as a starting point. However if the response is unsatisfactory or you would like your concern to be dealt with as a formal complaint the links below set out what to do to as your next step, and your rights if we don’t fix things satisfactorily.

How do I make a formal complaint?

You can register a complaint with us in writing by letter or email. These are the best ways because it makes sure we have a record of your complaint in your own words. However it is also possible to make the complaint by telephone or in person.

If you write to us it is useful to include all the information suggested by the Legal Ombudsman their website includes some useful checklists and sample letters.

Who is the person who deals with formal Complaints at Aubrey Solicitors?

Miss Alphonna Begum, is the person to contact when you are writing. She is the Principal solicitor and also the Compliance Officer for Legal Practice at Aubrey Solicitors.

To register a complaint and leave us with details PLEASE contact and or you may make an appointment to speak with her. Her details are:

Miss Alphonna Begum
Aubrey Solicitors

Aldgate Tower, 2 Leman Street

E1 8FA

[email protected]

0203 865 0145

What Happens Next?

Miss Begum is responsible for investigating the complaint and responding to you.

What is the timescale for Aubrey Solicitors to resolve your Complaint?

  1. Miss Begum  will write and acknowledge your complaint in within 14 days.
    The reply will confirm our understanding of the complaint and invite you to add anything. It will also set out this complaints procedure.
  2. If it is possible to investigate and resolve the complaint straight away the letter will suggest a resolution and your rights if that resolution not acceptable to you
  3. If more time than 14 days is needed to investigate the complaint the reply will set out a timetable to complete the investigation and respond fully to the complaint

What can I do if I am not satisfied with the way my complaint has been handled or it still has not been be settled after eight weeks?

You should give us eight weeks to settle a complaint.. We hope that by dealing with your complaint fairly and fully we have been able to agree resolution with you. If we have not, you are able to ask the Legal Ombudsman to look at it or the Solicitors Regulation Authority.